Council CANNOT vote on items discussed in closed session

Last Updated: June 10, 2024By
📁Discussion 157 of 365;📆

Council CANNOT vote on items discussed in closed session

A meeting happened today. It was another “special” Council meeting. This meeting was held at the Rec-Plex where it could not be live streamed through the normal process. I hope they recorded it with remote equipment so the public could review the actions decided on.

Have a read of the agenda and tell us what you think about the items being decided.
I’m asking what you think, because I am undecided. I may have to wait for the minutes to truly understand what was discussed.

It seems Council was at the Rec-Plex for a training session called “Town Building 101”. That was item 8.1.1. It was the only item on the agenda.

It is important to note that Council CANNOT vote on items discussed in closed session. All items discussed in closed session must be voted on in open Council. So, the next item they planned on voting on was a confirmatory bylaw.

That vote will be on whatever is discussed in the “rising report” (a report of what was discussed in closed session)

On a separate document available on the agenda page, they claim “no decision of Council arising from the training will be made.”

Remember, this Council ran on platforms of open and transparent governance.
What is “Town Building 101”?
Is it this?
Will the Town of Wasaga Beach soon be paying a consulting firm to mold our future?
So many good questions.