High School Truth #3- The Future

Last Updated: May 20, 2024By
📁Discussion 138 of 365;📆

High School Truth #3- The Future

Many people ask why I take the time to prepare these extra long discussion posts. Most people simply do not have the time to research, watch Council meetings, analyze what is said, compare it to other memories and put it all together. I do have the time. More importantly, I have the motivation. I have a great deal of respect for what can be accomplished by politicians with integrity. It angers me when their reputations are dragged through the mud by those who think a “win at all costs strategy” is a win in general.


I started preparing this series weeks ago. I wanted to wait until after the announcements were public and the boasting began before I launched my continuing dialogue about our high school. I knew that our discussions here were monitored by our Council and our CAO. I wanted our discussions to shape their comments at their first (post announcement) Council meeting which was yesterday. They did not disappoint! 😎😂


Before we look at their comments, let’s review my main ask lately. Moving forward, let’s all lobby the Provincial Government to fund a Public High School in Wasaga Beach. Today is not the first time I have said that and it will not be the last.


After all, that is what our Council did for the Catholic High School. They lobbied the Provincial Government and it worked. Now, as a community, let’s ALL organize and do exactly what the town did. But this time, let’s lobby for a school that serves the needs of the 1150 students that the SCDSB is already planning on building for!


Now, what are Councils plans moving forward? Well, at Thursdays Council meeting, the CAO has asked Council to support forwarding a letter to the SCDSB asking them to bump us to number one on their priority list. Funny, I don’t recall the CAO asking Councils permission to forge this partnership with the Catholic Board? Could this simply be showboating? I may have missed that ask and the vote. Andrew, can you forward that info to me?


Anyhow… let’s look at each Council Members comments, and the CAO’s. Then I encourage EVERYONE to watch the actual video of the meeting. I won’t point out any individuals, but I encourage everyone to look at the body language and facial expressions of everyone caught on camera during these discussions. Those observations may tell you more than the words spoken. (I apologize to any staff who may be instructed to smile and nod more often after this observation.).


It all starts with our CAO saying the town has had all kinds of feedback saying getting a high school was great, but what about a public high school. Thanks Andrew, it’s important for you to validate that these are community concerns, not just concerns from a few like me. (The Mayor says the same later).
Next is when I start to laugh a little when he says “this is something that we were also laser focused on delivering”. Wait, What? Laser focused? A support letter two weeks AFTER the proposals went in is what the public School Board got from Council. Time to have your laser checked.


He then says “our goal” is to bring both a public and a Catholic high school to town. Really? I missed that announcement! Was that the clear message in the Mayors campaign video about a high school? No. In fact, the Mayors campaign video was merely a smear on the deputy Mayor and Mayor where he claimed they had sabotaged his efforts to get a high school. Funny he never said how. 🤔.


Why? It NEVER happened. Mayor Bifolchi and Deputy Mayor Bray were ALWAYS 100% in support of a high school for Wasaga Beach. In fact in light of this months announcement, let’s look at Brian Smiths election video and what he claimed. He made a bold claim that he met with the government and THAT is what prompted them to send a letter to the SCDSB telling them to go ahead and buy the land to build a high school. Apparently, “according to Brian” all they (SCDSB) had to do was ask and they (Ontario) would build the high school. What a load of blarney. Brian Smith made some bold election videos. This one is one to play again and do so critically considering his actions this last 6 months.

What comes next actually says it all. McNeill knows the SCDSB is already planning to build a school. (They are painfully aware of the extended history of land purchases and previous inclusion in a capital request.) The CAO’s ask however isn’t to simply work with them to create opportunities, but instead it is to ask them to simply move Wasaga Beach to the top of their priorities. There was no mention of proper process of using current statistics to support the decision. No… he wants them to move the ask to number one or two on their list. He goes on to infer that by being number 12 this year, THAT is why the Province chose to support the Catholic Boards ask. Hmmm… He points out that the Catholic Board put us as number two, and THAT is why we got our funding. Really? Andrew… do you truly believe you got the funding because of ranking on a list? I say nope. He goes on to say number one or number two would be acceptable. Does he talk about any statistical data that creates those rankings? No… that wouldn’t serve his purpose of laying blame, but I will certainly discuss it later.


For now, just ask yourself, should a K-12 have been # 1 on the Catholic Boards list or should it have been an elementary school? Ask yourself what criteria the SCDSB should have used to justify their movement of Wasaga Beach to #1. (More about ranking later).


How generous of him to next say “if they (SCDSB) are willing to work with them (the Town), the town will bring partners to the table much like they did with the Catholic Board.” Again… more on these “partnerships” later, but how obnoxious to propose that only the Town of Wasaga Beach has the power to reach out to a College or University to solicit possible partnerships. If these are that important, why not offer to help with these contacts this past year?


He finishes by saying that having the partners is really the recipe for getting funding. Wow, I wonder why they had to go and lobby so much and spend so much taxpayer money if the recipe simply had to have partnerships? In a later discussion we will examine these “partnerships” more closely.


When a break happens in the CAO’s banter, the first invited to speak by Mayor Smith is Councilor Ego. She didn’t get it. She says that she personally worked on getting signatures to get the Province to fund our Public High School. She wanted to know if that petition was still valid and could it simply be added to. The answer is astounding. Our CAO (The same person previously entangled in bad relations with the SCDSB) says we need to be careful and remember WHO we are petitioning. He goes on to share his beliefs that the original petition Councilor Ego refers to was to the Province. He goes on to say the Province is very supportive of education but say we really need to get the public school board to advance us on their wish list. He says, “you have seen what can happen if you put us number one or number two”.


He then goes on to say the Public Board is proposing 2031 as a build date. He says that if they move us up on their priorities, that can happen quicker.


Really Andrew, 2031? You’re a CAO. Stay current in Provincial policies. Anyone paying attention knows that the Province now expects builds to be complete within a few years of funding. So the old 5 and 8 year projections are moot. Yes, those years were in previous proposals but the Province now expects 2-3 years tops. But… there are still documents that support your twist on reality so you go right ahead and keep talking about those. It supports your attacks.


He then summarizes his ask by saying the petition is to ask the school board to move us up on the list. He says that is the key to getting a school. Wait… he went from asking Council for a letter and now it’s a petition? Perhaps he was confused?


Now our learned Mayor intervenes to lecture everyone.
“What’s important to point out I guess is is that umm the ministry of education sits in wait for uh school boards to present uh their capital priority uh plan and lists and based on those lists and where each municipality is ahh umm from 1-12, or 15 in this case we were 12, for the Public Board is how the ministry of education, then determines uh, their priority in in uh funding these schools.” He goes on to say, “what we know is that if you are number twelve you are not going to be selected. You have 11 schools ahead of you that the board is clearly telling you is a bigger priority.”

He goes on about placement on the list but I won’t bore you further.

He then goes on to say that Councils job is to work with the SCDSB to get us up to 1,2 or 3 on their list.

I will pause for a moment before we look at the other Councilor opinions and look back in time. I recall a time when Mayor Smith insisted that they keep pushing the SCDSB, to bump us up on the list. But more importantly, he used the efforts of Shanty Bay to get their school as an example of how factors besides a “list” were used.

Now, he simply wants us to believe the placement on the “list” is the only factor to consider. The reality is that the Minister of education that just denied funding for our Public High School and approved the Municipally touted Catholic High School, is the same Minister that at one time approved “Shanty Bay” despite it being number 10 on a list of 10.

This is not something Mayor Smith, his Council or CAO McNeill want you to focus on. They want you to be angry at the SCDSB. They want you to rally the Board of Education to bump us up on a list simply based on political pressure. It’s disgusting behaviour, but… I guess it works. After all… our Mayor and Council chose one proposal over another any IT is the one that got approved. This “list” stuff is simply deflection away from that FACT.


In 2020, Jessica Owen (Simcoe News) wrote that Minister Lecce said the ministry “considers other aspects like requests from the Mayor and others from the community.”

Mayor Smith and his Council KNOW that. But, now they want you to believe the recent decision had nothing to do with attendance at a major fundraiser, organized letter writing campaigns or constant lobbying. No… it was simply placement on the lists. Nope… I don’t buy it.



Our Mayor has been involved in this for years. Our Deputy Mayor was the School Board Trustee previously. Councilor White sat on the 2014-18 High School task force. All three of these people AND our CAO were 100% aware of Political strategies that won in Shanty Bay. Now… they hope to deflect any questioning people have as to why they didn’t get a Public School approved. To do this, they will lay (and have laid) blame on the SCDSB for not putting us number one.


The next to speak at Thursdays Council meeting was Mayor Smith again. He repeated much of the same, “it’s all about the list” and the Province is just “laying in wait”talk. He does say one truly revealing thing.


In discussing the proposed letter to the Board, he states “I can say unequivocally that is unanimous, let’s go ahead and get that started” But wait, there was no vote at this point. In fact, there was only comments from a single Council member. So when did he learn unequivocally this was Councils wish? Had they decided previously away from public scrutiny or is he just playing King? Let’s continue with the meeting and see.


Now, Brian is still the chair, so he speaks when he wants. It is his turn to agree with the CAO and say he too has had all kinds of questions asked by the public, about why a Catholic School and not a Public School. He goes on to say that they reached out to both boards at the same time to offer use of the TPAL as a partner and offers the property beside the TPAL (assuming Council had already entered discussions with the developer without a board partner?) He offers partners at the College and University and even at Simcoe County (possibly the Daycare component?). Both boards were apparently welcome to work with them. Now… remember, Brian Smiths own election Campaign video boasted about the Public Board already getting permission to buy the land it was planning on using to build. So, did he HONESTLY think the SCDSB would abandon years of careful planning and commitment to build a superior, well programmed school that would house 1150 in order to partner with the Town to build a K-12 Hub? I say no, and his offer was simply a political potato.
He then simply claimed “the public board has a different priority” in explaining their lack of participation. He then emphasized AGAIN that the ministry simply makes their decisions based on placement on their lists. (Mayor Smith knows this to be untrue and Minister Lecce clarified that in the previous quote in the newspaper).
Councilor Richard White speaks next. He talks about being on the previous task force in 2014. His words, “the board was very clear with us back in the day that they use their own numbers when they forecast student population” He explains that the two boards cannot use each others numbers to justify a business case.

But wait… that is PRECICELY the issue that created the controversy back in 2014-18. Richard White stood in my front hall and told me it was acceptable to use whatever numbers they want if it worked. But let’s imagine he was possibly true to his beliefs this year… what “Catholic School Board” numbers were used to justify this. Come on Richard, do you not see the irony in your attempt to appear diplomatic? Wow!

Then Councilor Richard White says the new Elementary School almost ready to open has a Town Community Centre attached to it. He claims this shows the willingness to work together. But wait… I may have misunderstood. I didn’t think the Town was building an attached community centre to the new Elementary School. I thought it was a negotiated sharing arrangement of the gymnasium for Municipal Recreation events. It is a very detailed agreement with access, security, cost sharing and future renegotiation clauses. Not… a Community Centre. But, I am willing to look more carefully if Richard White knows better.


He goes on to say,
“We now know the formula for success. Being able to bring this plan from concept to approval in months rather that years, shows because we followed a formula that was basically told to us by the parliamentary assistant to the Education, She told us it was about being shovel ready, it was about having a developer in the wings having the land ready to go.”
He goes on to boast that the Minister of Education at the AMO conference told them he was “going to approve plans that are shovel ready, going to approve plan’s where the developer has skin in the game, having land ready to go.”


He then finishes by saying he looks forward to the second school. It’s important to know that Councilor White was also at the evening where a group attended the $1000 per person fundraiser. He has said there was no cost to the taxpayer though. So, I ask… is the Towns Hub actually shovel ready? What skin does the developer have in the game? I’m not sure I really want to ask these questions.


Councilor Dileo is next. She says she agrees with everything Councilor White said and emphasizes that they will do everything they did for the Catholic board now for the Public board, but they have to come to them. I have recently seen a screenshot of a Facebook post where she says she has no knowledge of the $1000 per person fundraiser, so that’s important. Were only select members privy to that trip?


Councillor Belanger speaks next and simply thinks we should be more creative and possibly abandon the Sunnidale location. He actually asked the CAO if he thought the School Board would abandon their location if they (he) had a more creative idea? He did say he was going to discuss it at a different meeting but didn’t say what meeting.


The CAO responded, the public boards location is selected, it is purchased, it is shovel ready. Then he said something peculiar. “We don’t want to upset the Apple cart to0 much”. Does that mean he plans on upsetting the Apple cart a little?


He goes on to say that they presented things in such a way that it was almost impossible to say no. Wow, pretty strong words. At least he recognizes the location is good and it is already to go.
Deputy Mayor Snell (Previous Public School Board Trustee) was up next. She simply wanted to say she agreed with. Everyone a supported forwarding the “letter”. That was all. No pearls of wisdom.
Not that it mattered… Remember, Mayor Smith had already determined that no vote was necessary. His word that their decision was unanimous was enough to move it forward.


This whole issue makes one’s head spin. It is difficult speaking objectively about this issue when so many are perched and ready to claim I am against the recent decision. So let me close by saying no… I am not against the decision. Politicians need to make decisions. Every decision they make will please some and displease others. The elementary school population that currently has our existing schools bursting at the seems will be better accommodated. Those who choose this particular school to attend will also be well served.


However, I will clearly state that I am appalled by the hypocrisy and deceptive manipulation displayed by a few people who directed this process.


The Public school Board was submarined by Council and they will never admit it. Was it due to previously strained relationships that could not be bridged? I think yes, based on the new DEMAND to move us to the top of the list. It’s no different than the demands that got us in hot water during the 2014-18 Council. The difference now is our Council can say… play our way and we will help you. We know what it takes to win… at any cost.


Either way, I believe the SCDSB will continue to fight for the best education possible for our children. If we move up on the list (it’s a given that we will- we will discuss that tomorrow) great! I just hope it is because the statistics and logistics support it, NOT because a parliamentary secretary suggests a strategy to a Council intent on influencing Provincial Decisions.


Wheeeew, that was a long one. Hopefully tomorrow will be one if the final High School posts for a short time. I really hope that the People of Wasaga Beach can and will step up to assist the SCDSB, regardless of where we sit on their priorities list.


Minister Lecce himself said Parents and Mayors have a big part in this. I recall him saying how he received so many community letters leading up to his decision.


Hmmmm, who solicited these particular letters and what did they say?
Have a great long weekend!

One Comment

  1. alanclegg May 20, 2024 at 12:27 pm

    Where to begin?

I would in this case like to focus on the Fundraiser for Minister Lecce.

This was apparently a $1000 admission affair where you get to bend the ministers ear pretty much about anything you want and he has to listen, well because you just slipped him $1000. That politics. 

my issue here is we have a reported three members of council plus both CAO’s going on a political junket.. paid for by who? Mr.White’s assertion that it wasn’t the taxpayers of Wasaga Beach… so it wasn’t expensed. Nor was it voted on since councillor Dileo had no idea it was happening. 

Who paid?

Neither CAO’s dip into their own pocket. They expense ball point pens. So who paid? 

I hear reports it was the Developer. The one who it seems is donating the land for the catholic school. I believe having a school in your subdivision will have a great effect on sales and prices. This generosity will surely bear fruit. 

Back to the money though. If I were to say… fly a couple of councillors to my Italian villa it would be considered a gift and be subject to the rules about pecuniary interest. 

This gift with a value of $1000 raises all kinds of issues about councillors forbidden from receiving gifts particularly from a developer building in Wasaga Beach.

Why these councillors wouldn’t be able to vote on any issue relating to the school and the development because of this gift. 

It gets even worse when we have CAO’s accepting gifts from developers. I remember discussing issues like this with the previous council members. It was FORBIDDEN. 

Curious how nobody on council has even mentioned this money?

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