Affordable Housing

Last Updated: June 26, 2024By
šŸ“Discussion 171 of 365;šŸ“†
Why wait? I was behind several posts, so making up lost time. Please review all three of todayā€™s discussions.



During an open public meeting at the Wasaga Beach Rec-Plex, The Mayor of Wasaga Beach answered a question about affordable housing being included in his main beach development. He said he doubts there will be any. In his answer, he announced however, that Simcoe County was responsible for Housing and told us of his and the Deputy Mayors roles. He then said, ā€œIā€™m happy to say that uhh, 99 more units coming in 2027, so uhh, thatā€™s greatā€.
(1:15:30 time stamp on video if you want to hear it)
(Mayor Smithā€™s Committee list on the County Website shows:
  • – Simcoe County Housing Board
  • – Shareholder Simcoe County Housing Corporation.)
(Deputy Mayor Snellā€™s Committee list on the Simcoe County Website shows:
  • – Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
  • – Shareholder of the Simcoe County Housing Corporation)
Yes Brian it is Great! So why am I the one sharing it publicly? Are you waiting until the election campaign? Was it decided in camera (the secret private parts of meetings) and you shouldnā€™t have disclosed it at all?
Itā€™s great news with a conflicting message of ā€œwhy I am the one sharing it?ā€ However, thank you for the disclosure and you can make a joke about me releasing it later during your official announcement.
So, where will this 99 Units be placed? Quite simply, the building on Zoo Park Road that presently hosts 99 units was built on property provided by the Town of Wasaga Beach. THAT property, as it turns out is just the right size to accommodate the duplication of the existing 99 Unit building on that property! In fact, during one of my early discussion posts in 2024, I mentioned that this land was available and suitable. Maybe they were listeningā€¦. lol.
Cool, I love that they watch my posts so diligently. I can see the term in review now, ā€œcitizens practice Governance via social media!ā€šŸ˜‚
So there you have it, according to Mayor Brian Smith, another 99 units will serve the needs of Simcoe County here in Wasaga Beach. There is no official confirmation of the location but the 99 unit part of the comment, combined with the availability and suitability of the existing property is pretty coincidental.
Affordable housing is a true need in our society today. It has been for decades. Iā€™m glad the County of Simcoe will be stepping up to fill that need in 2027.
It would be nice if it were sooner, but Iā€™m sure financial planning issues need to be balanced with actual need.
Iā€™m sure there will be concerns from those residing in the area that will need to be answered. Iā€™m also certain there will be many questions about how to get on a waiting list for the new units.
Our Mayor and our Deputy Mayor apparently sit on appropriate committees to find answers to these questions, so shoot them an email.
For now, revel in the inadvertent announcement by our Mayor that ā€œ99 more units are coming in 2027.ā€

One Comment

  1. alanclegg June 26, 2024 at 3:37 pm

    I note, Mr. Smith didn’t have to do a damn thing but run a town that has a desperate need for Affordable Housing.
    Congrats Brian. You run one of the poorest towns in simcoe.

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