Costco news flash

Last Updated: June 26, 2024By
šŸ“Discussion 170 of 365;šŸ“†
Itā€™s a Sunday 2 for 1 day. Maybe this week I will catch up to my schedule. lol.

News Flash! Big News!

The last time I detected that a possible big announcement about COSTCO had been held back from the public, I went ahead, researched it and announced to the world that a COSTCO may be coming to town.
There was initial denial and insults from the standard social media team, thenā€¦ days later, a carefully worded letter from the Mayor provided confirmation that a ā€œLarge Retailerā€ had filed applications.
Well, there was another opportunity for the CAO to try and make light of the issue at the June 20 Public meeting (and he did).
When he did, he basically called it a rumour, but admitted it was true in the same couple of sentences. Soā€¦ although itā€™s not officially official, (until the big guy flies in to make the announcement-the process according to McNeil) it does sound like it is confirmedā€¦ a COSTCO will be coming to Wasaga Beach. (ā€œAn application is now in placeā€) It will provide 320 Jobs.
I made an issue earlier of the conflicting messages provided by the CAO and the Mayor regarding ā€œapplicationsā€, but for now letā€™s stay focused on the most recent version. ā€œAn application is now in placeā€. Funny that Andrew would focus on this ā€œapplicationā€ thing. lol, guess I hit a nerve.

Soā€¦ Some would really like to know, with all of the site preparation being done at Ramblewood and Lyons Gate, the Costco staff and the site surveyors saying it is Costco, why the delay in announcing?
Quite simply- It is too close to the last election for everyone to believe the Bifolchi Council didnā€™t start this Process and itā€™s to far away from the next election to give credit to the Smith Council.
Yes, I will repeatā€¦ ā€œThe Bifolchi Council started this processā€. They truly were a get it done right Council! My wife Sylvia Bray, Stan Wells, George Watson, David Foster, Mark Kinney and Joe the forgotten expenses guy were all part of that team. They also planned, contracted and oversaw the build of the TPAL.
But, can it really be that simple? Would our Council allow such an important project to get underway and delay the announcement until it is politically appropriate?
After all, two weeks ago, it was denied, but in this power point presentation, it was necessary to show how many jobs this Council has brought to town and it had already been announced by someone other than the Mayor.
The irony in this is the number of people who will praise Brian and his Cabal once they make the official announcement. I bet they will push to have construction done and a ribbon cutting prior to the next election as well. Great! I will always know talks with Costco started with the previous Council. 320 Jobs, Thanks Nina!

It should also be noted that this deal (if true) will be in lands included in the letter that the current Council forwarded to the OPP anti-rackets squad during this term which inferred problematic real estate transactions. Maybe this will become the Council of convenient communications in regard to their legacy.
If you want another great example of the manipulative communications, look back to when Mayor Smith and his team arranged a tour of the Casino when he was still just Candidate Smith. The casino approved and the build overseen by the Bifolchi Council, opened a month into the present term. Even today at this recent public meeting, they take credit for the jobs the casino provides. Itā€™s sad when Brianā€™s previous attempts to have the Casino built were laser focused on having them at Beach One. It was even discovered that a secret move was in place to build a 20 million dollar or so parking garageā€¦ Wait, arenā€™t they talking today about a future parking garage at Beach One as well?

Hmmmmm! Maybe they know who will build it already. Wait, Andrew said something about knowing a company that is good at that. Hmmmmmm!
Later for that issue. For nowā€¦. Welcome Costco. Looking forward to all of the retail/ commercial growth you will stimulate at the West end!

What next?
Discussion 171 will have another Blockbuster Announcement!

One Comment

  1. alanclegg June 26, 2024 at 3:28 pm

    Let me guess, FRAM is the answer to just about any question asked.

    I do hope Brian is making a LOT of money on this. Otherwise his secrecy is pointless.

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