Andrew McNeil a virus in our town

Last Updated: June 26, 2024By

📁Discussion 169 of 365;📆

Andrew McNeil, a virus in our town

My discussion posts have offended some (mostly those on Council, those employed because of them or their various supporters), but others look forward to reading these regularly. I TRY to make my discussions about the issues. That is why I only post in three groups. In many other groups, they turn all of it into personal attacks against anyone questioning Council. Today is no different. This is about a possible serious breach of Municipal Policy.

Dedicating the time to do these posts also means walking away from other things. I’m good with that because I am motivated to ensure we have a Council in future that represents the needs of our community. I occasionally watch or hear things that contribute to that motivation. The June 20 Public Meeting titled, “Rebuilding the Main End”, has provided me with lots of motivation and MANY future discussion posts. They will follow (all of them- I have a list), but not today.

Today, I want to start by analyzing “why was our CAO even there… at that meeting, in an open public forum, while he appeared to be sick.

Are any of you losing your voices this week?

Are you perhaps not feeling 100%, but can’t understand why?

Personally, I am DISGUSTED that our CAO Andrew McNeil was either allowed to attend or maybe even encouraged to attend the public presentation.

Does this mean he expects all of his staff to show their dedication by doing the same thing?

Who remembers that Global Pandemic we all endured, referred to by many simply as “COVID”?
Do you remember the rapid acceleration from hearing about COVID in other parts of the world, then within weeks, it was actually here… at our doorsteps?

Now… Think of Andrews symptoms at the microphone.

I have vivid memories of the empty streets, the closed businesses, the new WORLD we all had to live through with the COVID world pandemic.

Now… Think of Andrews symptoms at the microphone.

One of the really important changes that so many individuals, businesses and governments made in their lives was to recognize that sick people need to stay home… period! Those who operated essential services had strict health guidelines.

Now… Think of Andrews symptoms at the microphone.

All workplaces had to have policies to ensure protections were in place. There were new policies, new practices, new equipment. No longer was it an actually a good thing to show how dedicated you were by coming to work and getting others sick!

Now… Think of Andrews symptoms at the microphone.

Yes, here… at a very well attended, open public meeting, the Town of Wasaga Beach’s head employee, the head of all employees… showed up (apparently) sick. Our Mayor, Brian Smith even demonstrated his knowledge of the importance of this dilemma, by pointing out that was why Andrew was sitting away from the rest of them. He actually made a joke of it!

Now… Think of Andrews symptoms at the microphone.

Seriously? So, your CAO is sick enough that you don’t want him at your side, but it’s OK to have him share the room with HUNDREDS of Wasaga Beach residents?

Please understand that the decision for him to attend or not was obviously discussed ahead of time. There were even jokes about the Deputy CAO possibly having to step in.

Was the same person who set up Andrews microphone responsible for setting up the public microphones that everyone used in order to ask questions?

Now… Think of Andrews symptoms at the microphone.

Did Andrew use a different door handle than everyone else to enter the building? Did Andrew wear a mask to reverse isolate?

Now… Think of Andrews symptoms at the microphone.

Remember when even the slightest cough in public would turn heads?

Now… Think of Andrews symptoms at the microphone.

I’m sure, our CAO felt he was not contagious, but he certainly WAS symptomatic of whatever he had.
So…. Does the Town have a policy that covers reporting to duty while having symptoms of illness? Was the head of all staff aware of this policy?

How sad that such an important meeting was (in my humble opinion) overshadowed by our CAO attending when he had the appearance of being sick!

This morning if you are not feeling well, ask yourself where your virus arrived from and how many people it passed through to get to you.

The rest of the June 20 meeting will be broken down and discussed over the next couple of weeks. But for today, I would love everyone to consider your own personal COVID experiences.

Did you or a family member have to close your business entirely during COVID? (Some never to re-open)

Now… Think of Andrews symptoms at the microphone.

Did any of your family members, neighbours or friends die as a result of COVID?

Now… Think of Andrews symptoms at the microphone.

Did you personally experience COVID, endure and survive the illness, but never know EXACTLY how you contracted it?

Now… Think of Andrews symptoms at the microphone.

How many people spent days, weeks, months in hospitals and health care facilities like nursing homes isolated from those that love them and had to die alone, celebrate new life alone, endure fear of tragedy alone?

Now… Think of Andrews symptoms at the microphone.

Do you recall men women and children wearing a mask, sanitizing their cart and avoiding conversation with anyone at the grocery store?

Now… Think of Andrews symptoms at the microphone.

As I said earlier, there will be plenty of future discussions relating to the content of the meeting. Today, please pause and think of all of the changes to our personal lives created by people who do as they please, regardless of concern for the greater good.

Next, look up the word selfish in the dictionary.

Now… Think of Andrews symptoms at the microphone!!

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