Fear? Control? Both!

Last Updated: April 19, 2024By
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Fear? Control? Both!

Today, I was told that the Town of Wasaga Beach had been boasting on their Facebook Page about meeting with the Minister of Education at the Roma Meeting months ago. So, it tweaked my interest and I decided to go read the post.

Nopeā€¦ I apparently canā€™t do that directly. It seems that the Town of Wasaga Beach may have ā€œblockedā€ me from viewing the Town of Wasaga Beach Facebook page. Despite being blocked, I did view the comments. I wonder why it is important to share a thank you letter from February? Why thank Minister Lecce for meeting them in February, but not thank him (and share the thanks) for meeting them in March at the big $1000/ person fundraiser?

This thank you letter is a Strange thing to share unless perhaps the Mayor is foreshadowing something he has been made aware of and wanting to be sure he gets credit. Is it possible we are finally getting a Wasaga Beach High School out in Sunnidale Trails? Did he get his little 500 student high school beside the arena? Brian Smith doesnā€™t post thank you letters for no reason.

Butā€¦ back to blocking. Blocking a member of the public without notification at least shows me that the Town fears that my words are being read by too many people.

If blocking me wasnā€™t so bizarre I would actually laugh about it. First of all, there are so many people who will send me daily updates. I decided to have a look at recent posts despite being blocked. The comments that follow any town post are obviously not allowed to disapprove. How sad.

So be carefulā€¦ you will be blocked from viewing the Town Facebook page if you disagree with our council.

The town does have an ongoing initiative called ā€œEngage Wasagaā€. I encourage everyone to provide feedback there. Whether you are happy with the Town or not at least your emails will be on the record. Because itā€™s not Facebook, you donā€™t have to worry about the FB bullies berating you for differing opinion.

I did notice that whoever is administering the Facebook Page, is allowing a loyal Town supporter to insult the school board. Wow! Check out the photos attached. Why allow a member of the public to bad mouth a school board that wants to build a full service high school in Wasaga Beach? It makes no sense!

I have not received any communication from the town advising me that my ability to follow the FB page has been blocked. I wonder if they think blocking people without notice is appropriate behaviour?

Check out this town website. There is lots of opportunity to express your support or criticism or ideas for improvement.