Groom your own online experience!

Last Updated: June 10, 2024By
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Groom your own online experience!

Often at night, if I have difficulty sleeping, I will simply scroll through several pages on Facebook to kill time. Often when scrolling it is easy to hit the part of the screen that has the “follow” button for whatever you are scrolling past. When you hit it, it begins the slow changes to your feed.

One day eventually you realize you are reading more about Detroit than Wasaga Beach. Your friend’s posts seem to be replaced with feeds from such a wide variety of food and animal group posts.

So last night I hit the x up in the right corner of a senseless post (to me). That led to a screen that offered me the option to “manage my feed”. Take the time to do this, you will have no regrets. In your feed preferences the most common overuse is of the “follow” feature. Simply go to that feature and “unfollow” all of the feeds you don’t want to see daily. Believe me, some will make you say, “ ahhh, that’s why I see so much of that”.

It’s possible you might not be offered the “manage your feed” option right away. You may first be offered to delete or snooze the feed. If it’s an add, you may be offered to not see that add in future. Regardless, take the time to explore your feed settings.
It took me ten minutes. Nd this morning, I am back to seeing Wasaga beach Friends, groups and businesses instead of exploding silos and Russian road rage. (Ok… the fission road rage feed WAS entertaining, but it’s gone now).

My reason for suggesting this today is that we are leaping into summer and activity in Wasaga Beach will soon be at its prime pace. Don’t miss out. Catch all of the happenings in and around Wasaga beach this summer.

Not every day will be sunshine, but when it is, bask in the warmth and remember to “Smile when you can.”