Setting a good example.

Last Updated: June 10, 2024By
📁Discussion 154 of 365;📆

Setting a good example.

As I have stated on several occasions, it has become easier to decide what to write about here because your neighbours and friends care enough to forward concerns to me.
It’s a shame they feel that calling the town will fall on deaf ears or put a target on their backs. Many people are vendors for the town or they own small businesses and don’t want to risk being boycotted by the town. (I am VERY familiar with that.)

But prior to sharing today’s discussion point, I want to praise the incredible staff at the town of Wasaga Beach. Those who decide to embark on a long term career with the Municipality have a special pride for our Town. They have a feeling of camaraderie that is a pleasure to see. But… there are only so many hours in the day and they can only take on tasks that our Council deems as priorities. If, for instance 10 staff are busy setting up a stage for a big party, or organizing barriers for traffic/ parking for council sanctioned events, then the daily

maintenance of our community will take a back seat.

Today’s discussion is about uncut grass on municipal property….

Bylaw 2019-4 exists and says that the owner must maintain their property specifically grass or weeds and it can be no more that 30cms in height.

Who better than the Town to set a good example?
The municipal mower was around (the area in depicted in the photo attached) earlier this week and cut the embankment. Historically, this property was kept cut by both the adjacent property owner and by the town. However, last year this walkway/pathway/sidewalk was built by the Town. (The paved road widening/ sidewalk attempts by the Town in the 45th St. area) Since it is asphalt, during the summer it becomes way too hot for dogs to walk on. Dog owners walk the dogs on the grass instead. I’m sure by now, everyone has heard about the infestation of ticks to the area. This area is an ideal breeding ground for these insects that cause lime disease.

Please lead by example and maintain (The Town) property.

Note: In many cases, neighbours assist by cutting the boulevard but not everyone is capable of doing so. There is also the new concern of safety in the area because of the number of people who drive on the paved shoulders. In driving around town, there are other isolated areas that need attention.
Like I said earlier, we have caring, dedicated Town Staff. They will certainly get to the tasks at hand and continue to provide us a well maintained community we can all be proud of. Our Council 100% controls their abilities to do this in two primary ways. First… they determine priorities and this Council (as we all know) is the good times, party council. Their priorities are laser focused on the Main End and their events. The other major impact our Council has is directing our tax dollars to the various departments that service our needs.

When starting a party planning corporation with four seconded town staff making $427,000.00 a year is a priority… some grass will have to wait. If 3’ tall weeds and grasses are unsightly, I guess Council is directing funds where they want.

When the town decides to operate a medical clinic providing medical services that should be paid for 100% by the province (and most of which would be available in other clinics if not provided there), then having a safe place to walk our dogs on a hot day while avoiding ticks is a priority that Council has decided on.

I fully suspect another substantial tax increase this year or a massive dip into reserves. Why? Quite simply… the parties will continue to flourish. However, every other department will have to beg and scrimp every dollar they can to provide us the services we should be getting as routine municipal services.

Come on Brian, think a little about the people who actually live here. If this were happening up in Tiny, you would be calling on your Mayor to make it right… try and do better for the tax-payers of Wasaga Beach.