Shaping the future of our Community

Last Updated: May 13, 2024By

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Shaping the future of our Community

Who do you want shaping the future of our Community? Over the next 7 months, we will certainly talk about who we don’t want and why. However, the reality is… someone has to do the job.

Politics is not high up on the Guidance Councilors list, but maybe it should be. Unfortunately, it is not a career path chosen by many young people. I wish that would change and maybe it’s time to proactively put a spotlight on politics that will allow our youth to embrace the importance of the position.

Whatever methods are used, the goal should be to attract everyday, honest, dedicated young people who care about our future.

Imagine a high school credit program that involved attending Council Meetings, comparing policies in neighbouring communities and preparing mock budgets.

I think this is an idea that needs serious consideration. Today’s youth are smart, intelligent and curious. Many already embrace social issues that are important to them and they are often involved in political activism to try to influence decisions. Imagine if they could BECOME the decision makers.
Today’s politicians are a mix of people with a variety of motivations. At the Municipal level, I personally think there are a wide variety of motivating factors. With our youth, I would hope that we could find individuals who understand the importance of one word… Integrity!

Our Council has the power to create just such a program, but do they want honest competition during the next election? Hmmmm. 🤔

Maybe it’s time for the “Wasaga Chronicle Future Leaders” program. That would be an interesting program to develop. Study Roberts Rules of Order, the Municipal Act and general practices is creating bylaws and how to comprehend the realities of a 60 Million Dollar Budget.

Imagine if even one of our current Council had benefitted from such a program. I really think it’s time.
Ideas, thoughts?