So let’s start talking about taxes.

Last Updated: May 3, 2024By
📁Discussion 123 of 365;📆

So let’s start talking about taxes.

With this Councils Municipal Portion of our taxes being in excess of 17% since taking office, what do you think will be the results of the next two tax increases?

First off, when discussing taxes, the Town has chosen to report the “blended” rate with the County portion. That is only because the County portions were low and gave the impression of lower numbers. Our Council chooses not to ask for the report of both rates, just the blended, so if the Town disagrees with our 17% calculation, they are free to post here and correct me.

There are two ways I see the Town diminishing the impact. They may dip further into reserves than before or they may cut service levels. Of course they may do neither and continue setting a record for the highest tax increases of any Council. All of this will be discussed publicly, so we may as well start reviewing some of the Towns Financial decisions and consider if you think they are being responsible with our money.

We presently have TWO CAO’s. A full time CAO and a full time Deputy CAO. They both have staff support.

We have A New K-12 School with a Community Theatre being built– we are assured at no cost. Well maybe some seating and sound system costs.

We have plans or A New Entertainment Corporation. ($427,000.00 a year in wages)
We have plans to investigate a new Main Street Town Hall.
We have a very expensive, Municipally Funded Medical Clinic with no Provincial funding.
We have a 20 Million Dollar Road Improvement Project.
We are spending to plan Building a Downtown Proper.
There are negotiations to Renew/ Building Beach area One (hopefully not two) and the developer will insist on Municipal infrastructure spending.

We have more upper level Sunshine list employees than ever before!
There are clear plans to declare properties surplus to offset expenses.

We anticipate continued security spending to avoid the H2Oi Crowds.

We are considering partnering with a developer to build affordable housing at the old arena site.

There may be additional surveillance cameras mounted around town.

I’m sure I’m missing some, but what do you think the impact will be on taxation?