Town’s Medical Clinic still lacks a doctor

Last Updated: April 29, 2024By

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What no doctor?

Well, last weeks Council meeting saw the announcement of a new Doctor for Wasaga Beach. Unfortunately for the Town Council, this new Doctor did not take the offer of free accommodation at the Towns Medical Clinic experiment.
The physician did take advantage of an enhanced financial incentive package offered by the Town. The physician recruitment program has been in place for many years and it has resulted in a few new doctors.
So, GREAT news for the residents of Wasaga Beach. It’s too bad however, that tgthis announcement was watered down, in regards to Council Enthusiasm.
Instead of truly celebrating the new news, they all got on their bandwagons and praised the provincial funding that wasn’t even awarded to them.
What a sad, sad state of affairs when our politicians are willing to virtually ignore one announcement and keep sharing another in its place.
Just sad.

One Comment

  1. alanclegg April 30, 2024 at 12:50 pm

    Okay, I have been biting my tongue on this for a while. the Town boasted about the South Georgian Bay Ontario Health Team getting a huge grant, and in some way implied that this would benefit the town’s private medical clinic… except it hasn’t.
    The tax payers of Wasaga Beach are still paying for this nurse practitioner run clinic that runs on short hours and with a very restricted client list. if opening this clinic was somehow meant to guilt the province into paying for it… it hasn’t worked. nor has it really benefitted the residents of our town. its just cost money, a lot of it.
    Indeed the South Georgian Bay Ontario Health Team needs to spread the goodies out to well… the whole Georgian Bay, of which Wasaga is a small part.
    So the good news is we attracted a doctor. whoopee. while great news, this doesn’t come close to covering the natural attrition as our doctors retire or are retired. Even last council recruited many doctors over its term. Brian Smith gets a C- for his efforts. in terms of medical care this council is backsliding while at the same time spending tax dollars like crazy.
    It is worth noting that this new doctor took one look at our town clinic, all shiny with its offices and facilities, pretty much FREE, and said no thanks. its a poison pill that the town cannot get any doctor to touch. another F for Brian.
    Remember his promises that it would pay for itself?

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